Sunday, May 1, 2011


Sorry I never got to post for weigh-in-Wednesday. I lost 2 pounds bringing me to 34lbs lost total. I started this journey at 330lbs and am now down to 296.4lbs. Back in the 200's baby! My week has been so busy and I was to tired to even look at my computer. Last night at work I spent 8 hours sitting next to a chocolate cake with chocolate icing , my favorite besides cheesecake, but I didn't have any. I was surprised by how hard it was to just say no. In the past I would have eaten 2-3 pieces and although I did want it I wouldn't let myself have even one. It is a fight everyday. I had a 28 year relationship with McDonalds. Me and Ronald McDonald were in love. I have made up my mind though and we are OFFICIALLY OVER. I want to be "normal". I wish food wasn't such a struggle. I knew this wouldn't be easy though and I accepted that before even considering the surgery. So I'm gonna stop complaining and SUCK IT UP! (just please lord don't let that cake be there again tonight)


  1. Good for you resisting temptation! It's good to know what our trigger foods are and to just say no. Keep it up!

  2. Sarah, that's IMPRESSIVE!! Your happiness and health is worth more than that cake, right? I get weighed tomorrow and hope I'm down too. If you send me your email address (to: I'll add you as an approved reader on my private weight loss blog. I'm in the 6 months nutritional counseling phase before insurance okays my band.
